Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Blog? Why not!

I figure everyone is else doing it. I know I enjoy reading all the blogs the girls on the nest set up about what they are doing during their first year of marriage, so I figure I can start my own.

This has actually been a really busy year, to only be 14 days into it. So far this year I have gone to yoga at least four days a week for the past three weeks. So next time you see me I better look slim and trim. I actually like yoga. It is the first exercise I have found that I do not dread going to to everyday.

Now, on the family front, we have started looking for a house. We are hoping to be home owners by the beginning of the summer. Harley needs a yard of his own. If you have met my dog, you know he is spoiled and he needs an area of his own. Aside from looking at houses, I am also working on planning Marci's baby shower. The baby's room is light purple, so I am going to make that the theme for the shower. I have some pretty good ideas, but now I have to start buying everything for the shower...good thing I get paid tomorrow. The only bad thing about being a teacher is I only get paid once a month, and I haven't been paid since before Christmas, so as I am sure you can imagine times are poor this week. Oh, and for those of you who are thinking..."why was the blog posted when she was suppose to be teaching?" My students have semester exams this week, and right now they are doing their 3rd period exam, and I do not have a 3rd period class so I have two hours to grade, and I finished all that in 20 minutes, so it leaves me all this time to blog! Alas, I think I am out of stuff to write about.

1 comment:

  1. You're always looking slim and trim Shanda! Welcome to blogging!
