Sunday, July 19, 2009

I learned how to solve our Social Security Problem...'s called euthanasia! HAHA just kidding, however I did just finish an awesome book (thanks Erin) called Boomsday, where a girl lobbies the Senate to pass a bill letting baby boomers euthanise themselves and get massive tax benefits. It was unbelievably funny.

It's been a pretty slow summer. I divide my time between yoga, the gym, reading, and playing with my puppies. All and all, life is good. We leave for San Francisco in a little less than 2 weeks, and I am super excited. I can't wait to tour wine country. We had a minor hiccup this week, in who would watch the pups while we were gone. My babies are spoiled, inside dogs. The problem with my family keeping them, is I fear they would just leave them outside, and my pups live inside. However, my brother (yes I have a brother) came to the rescue, and is going to come house sit for us and watch the pups. My favorite response when telling this story was from Bridget, "How did I not know you had a brother?" I don't know. I will say my brother is a pretty cool kid. He has had to deal with a lot in his 21 years, and he has really come through it all like a champ. That kid rocks!

That's all for now..until next time remember, I was just kidding about the euthanasia thing....or was I?