Thursday, March 5, 2009

So it looks like we are going to be home owners

I know I have been slacking at this blogging stuff, (thanks for reminding me Shimmy) but things have been crazy. About two weeks ago, we went looking at houses and we decided to make an offer on one that we had seen a couple of weeks before and really liked! We put in an offer at 5pm(ish) Sunday, and by 10pm Sunday night the seller had accepted. We have been doing all sorts of stuff (we I say we, I mean mostly Ryan) to get ready to buy our home. We had to do the inspection, and then get with the seller about any repairs etc etc etc. So far, everything seems to be falling in place. If things keep going the way they we should be in our house in about two weeks. Yes, it is in Frisco. I am fully aware that my neighbor will probably have a three year old daughter who wears more makeup than I do, but I guess I can handle it for the house we love. Bring on the pagent moms!

Speaking of Mom's, my sister is Mommy to a new little girl. Alyssa Nicole was born Monday, March 2 at 7:03pm. She weighed 8lbs 7oz. Mom and baby are both doing well! Big sister is also doing well, she says,"My baby Alyssa is toooooo cute." Also, on a similar note, congrats to my friend Emily, she is going to be a new mommy to a baby boy! Hooray for boys! Please bring him down to visit, I am on little girl overload...I can't remember the last time someone in my family had a little boy. My cousin is expecting triplets in May, and one of them is suppose to be a boy, but the way it looks in my family, I wouldn't be suprised if they all turned out to be girls! That's all for now, mind any spelling or grammar errors I typed this quickly the last 1o minutes of lunch!